Biomorphic abstraction sculpture

The jury for the “Art by the Foot” exhibition at the Center for the Visual Arts has selected Biomorphic Movement.

Artist showing a contemporary sculpture.

Sun Kissed Morning will be in the Arrivals and Departures, a juried art show in Chippewa Falls Wisconsin.

modernist western sculpture art

Recently added sculpture.

The latest sculpture was added to the Chumani Gallery in New Mexico. For more info contact the gallery. 1 505-424-3813

 The Charmed Studio podcast interview.

We were interviewed for the The Charmed Studio podcast. you can check it out here: What are Beta Readers? And Why Do You Need Them?

Sun-Kissed Morning

Sculpture was Recently added to the Gallery.

Sun-Kissed Morning, Carved Wood, Steeple Gallery, Dorchester, Wisconsin

Contact Gallery at 715- 600-3590

Steeple Gallery

Woman figruative sculpture at Steeple Gallery, Dorchestor, Wisconsin